False Friends

False friends, or to give them their proper name, false cognates, are words which sound or look similar in two different languages, but actually mean very different things. These words can cause harmless misunderstandings and sometimes they can be really funny.


Gil the Travelling Gecko almost always seems to run into these words. Occasionally this means that he doesn’t understand as much as he thought that he did. These ‘errors’ can be great ways to have some fun when learning a new language and will often make you laugh. Best of all, you will probably remember them!


Highlights from Gil the Travelling Gecko Books

In the Gil book series we try to use these false friends in each story where Gil is in a country where English isn’t the first language. Sometimes we use common ‘street’ terms to highlight how different people speak in other English speaking countries.


Below are some examples of False Friends and their alternate meanings


Gringos in Cuba


Cuban False Friends

My friend Pancho lives in Cuba.

In Cuba, an American or Canadian is called a ‘Gringo’. Visitors from other countries are called ‘Yuma’.








.Gil The Travelling Gecko



Oui in french sounds like wee

French False Friends


When visiting France you will hear a lot of people saying wee. They do not need to go to the toilet they mean ‘yes’. Oui in French just sounds like wee!







.Gil The Travelling Gecko



Poo tickets and Goona pains


Australian False Friends

My friend Mick lives in Australia. In Australia toilet paper is called ‘poo tickets’ and ‘goona pains’ are when you really, really need to poo.









Gil The Travelling Gecko



Poo tin


Canadian False Friends

My friend Laurent lives in Canada and he likes to eat poutine. I think it sounds like ‘poo tin’ uuurgh!








Gil The Travelling Gecko



Bunny chow - False Friends


South African False Friends

One of the tastiest foods in south Africa is known as ‘Bunny Chow’.

It may not sound very pleasant but it is. Bunny Chow is a loaf of bead filled with curry. Yum!








Gil The Travelling Gecko


Fantasia is a costume

Portuguese False Cognates

The word ‘fantasia’ in Portuguese doesn’t mean a fantasy, it means a costume.

Make sure that you do not give any secrets away by misunderstanding what someone has asked you.








Gil The Travelling Gecko


Boogers are not always bogies


Australian False Friends

We all know that boogers live in your nose, but in parts of Australia, young boogie boarders are also called boogers!








Gil The Travelling Gecko


A bakkie is not a piggyback


South African False Cognates

In South Africa a pick-up truck is called a ‘Bakkie’. You will often see groups of people riding in the back of these bakkies, even though it can be dangerous.









Gil The Travelling Gecko



Ya su is Greek for hello


Greek False Cognates

My friend Pavlos lives on the island of Corfu in Greece. When you are travelling in Greece you may hear lots of people sneezing a lot. But they are actually saying ‘Ya su’ which means hello.








.Gil The Travelling Gecko


La in Arabic

Arabic False Cognates

In Arabic the word ‘La’ means no.

If you say it twice, ‘La La’ it does not mean a Teletubby








Gil The Travelling Gecko



More examples of false friends will be added in the near future. If you can think of some, get n contact and let is know. We are always looking for new ideas for new stories.


See which books are about to be released at Gil the Travelling Gecko’s bookstore

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