Our publisher has written a Travel Guide For First Time Travellers.You will find a huge amount of great information and advice plus some real life stories. These humourous stories, are based on the experiences of seasoned travellers of all ages.
The travel guide covers all of the basics, plus a huge selection of topics which you won’t expect. It covers everything from travel scams to car rental, travelling with illness to travelling with pets. There are a number of sections dedicated to travelling with children. Plus information about how to protect yourself and your items.
Experienced travellers will read the guide and say, “Yeah, we did that!” or “We saw that happen to…”
Newbies will read it and think to themselves, “that will never happen.” But it probably will, especially if they are unprepared.
The Travel Guide is predominantly aimed at two groups:
- Young families who are getting away with kids for the first time
- Young adults taking their first trip without their parents as a safety net.
This travel guide is the ideal gift for friends and family members, who are looking at their first trip as First time Travellers.
Take a look at the huge list of topics covered, by following the link below.
You can find out more by visiting our publisher ‘Unus Mens’.
You can follow the blog posts, which publish a new chapter each Sunday. Or if you would like to purchase the book – Christmas is not far away now.
You can register for details of the books upcoming release.
Travel Guides For kids
We are currently putting together an online travel guide for kids. This will be include Information about places to go and things to do for kids of all ages.The guide is in an easy to search format which is broken down by continent, country and region/town.
We will be adding destinations/countries based upon current tourism statistics. Check back regularly for updates.